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Cpl Darren Kowlessar, CD
Nov 10, 2014
Brampton and Georgetown Unveil Afghanistan Plaques
Afghan Vets Sgt Boreczek and Cpl Schavo at the unveiling of the Afghanistan Plaque at the Georgetown War Memorial 2014 marked the end of...

Cpl Darren Kowlessar, CD
Oct 12, 2014
The Association hosts the Inaugural Thomas M Dunn Softball Tournament
Sgt Reider takes a pitch from MCpl Yataco at the Association Softball Tournament HCol (Ret) Thomas Dunn had many passions, his family,...

Cpl Darren Kowlessar, CD
Jul 1, 2014
Lorne Scots Awarded the Freedom of the City of Mississauga
Cpl Banks provides the Mississauga City Council with deposition to gain support for the motion to award the Lorne Scots the Freedom of...

Cpl Darren Kowlessar, CD
Feb 27, 2014
Exercise Trillium Response 2014
Lorne Scots on Exercise Trillium Response In February 2014, a platoon of soldiers from the Lorne Scots headed north to participate in EX...

Cpl Darren Kowlessar, CD
Nov 13, 2013
GE Receives Award for Employer Support of Lorne Scots
General Electric received the Award for Most Supportive Employer in Ontario in a ceremony Friday at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa....

Cpl Darren Kowlessar, CD
Sep 13, 2013
Exercise Southern Drive 2013
Lorne Scots on Ex Southern Drive 2013 This year, much like last year, members of The Lorne Scots participated in EX Southern Drive from...
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